The following publications are available as free downloads for members only:
SGA special publications
The SGA special publication "Isotopes in economic geology, metallogenesis and exploration" is in the process of being compiled. A number of chapters including those on radiogenic isotopes, light stable isotopes in BIF systems, Fe isotopes in BIF systems, the potential of Zn isotopes in exploration are available for download for members now.
SGA short course notes including Wall rock alteration (Turku 1997) and Isotopes in exploration (Dublin 2007)
SGA Field trip guidebooks including Polish Pb-Zn MVT deposits and all field trips from SGA 2013 Uppsala
Other Guidebooks and notes including Latin American metallogeny (UNESCO-SEG-SGA 2004 - in Spanish and the following:
Metallogeny and tectonic evolution of the Northern Fennoscandian Shield: Field trip guidebook (2007) V. Juhani Ojala, Pär Weihed, Pasi Eilu and Markku Iljina (eds.), GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND, Guide 54, 102 p. (15 Mb) Download here: