The SGA is sponsoring or co-sponsoring several short courses and workshops on mineral deposits.
The 9th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny
The 9th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny "How can West Africa best use its mineral wealth for economic development" will take place between 25th and 29th November 2024 in Dakar, Senegal. The short course will use titanium, zirconium, phosphate and bauxite as examples to explore challenges and opportunities relating to mineral wealth and economic development. The 5-day short course will include 2.5 days of lectures, workshops and evening events and 2.5 days of practical training and an excursion to the Titanium sand deposits mined by Eramet and nearby mines. The short course is organised by the SGA; the SGNS (the National Geological Survey of Senegal); UNESCO; IUGS; RFG and SEG.
The first flyer for the short course is available here.
The 8th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny "The role of Mineral Wealth in the Energy Transition - Southern Africa" took place between 9-13 October 2023 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The 5-day short course was hosted by DSI-NSF-CIMERA at the University of Johannesburg. The course included 2.5 days of lectures and evening events and 2.5 days of field excursions to mine sites that have implemented renewable sustainable energies and sustainable mining equipment.
Conference information included biographies of the speakers is available here.
ReSTORE is an SGA-sponsored interdisciplinary summer school focusing on sustainable use of water energy and mineral resources in the present and future. The summer school is organised by iCRAG and IUGS and will be held in University College Dublin, Ireland from 4th-8th July 2022. The application deadline is February 1st 2022.
See the flyer for more details.
The 7th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny "Energy Metals for a Sustainable Society" took place between 29th of November and 3rd December 2021 in Windhoek, Namibia. The course was held in a hybrid format in splendid facilities at the Ministry of Mines and Energy in Windhoek. Luckily, we were able to run the entire program, 3 days of lectures and workshops followed by 2 days of fieldtrips in the region around Swakopmund. Thanks are due to the local organizers for the excellent organization.Sixty delegates and lecturers exchanged information on the critical metals for present and future applications and evaluated the so called “green” technologies. Ten foreign students attended from Western and North Africa and seventeen Namibian students participated for the first time.
The short course was organised by the SGA, the Geological Society of Namibia, the Namibian Uranium Association and the IUGS-RFG and is supported by: SGA, IUGS, SEG, and UNESCO.
See the report of the meeting for more details.
The best images from the meeting chosen in the photo competition can be seen here
5th Short Course on African Metallogeny, Moanda, Gabon, 10-14 October 2018
Workshop for Geologists "Fusing geochemistry and structural geology for exploration, mining and research"
Short course on “Exploration Geology” organized by Black Forest-Alpine SGA Chapter
Gold Short Course by Prof. David I. Groves
15th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology
"Skarn Deposits"
Workshop on “PGE (Platinum Group Elements) / PGM (Platinum Group Minerals) in the oceanic paleolithosphere”
XXXV UNESCO-SEG-SGA Curso Latinoamericano de Metalogenia
"Geology and Geochemistry of Magmatic and Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits of the Central Andes"
12th Ore Deposit Model and Exploration workshop
Subduction Related Ore Deposits
Central Europe SEG/SGA Meet & Greet
4th SGA-SEG-UNESCO-IUGS Short Course on African Metallogeny
"Granite-related ore deposits in the Great Lake Area"
SEG Field Exploration Geology Vol. VI
"Mineral deposits of Slovak Ore Mountains"
14th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology
"Iron Oxide Copper Gold and Iron Oxide Apatite Deposits"
11th "Ore deposit model and exploration"
Ressources Minérales: "Du Terrain a l´Expérimentations"
SEG Field Exploration Geology Vol. V
"Mineral deposits of the Krusne hory / Erzgebirge"
XXXIV UNESCO-SEG-SGA Curso Latinoamericano de Metalogenia
"El sistema Pórfido (Incluyendo Yacimientos Epitermales) - Yacimientos tipo IOCG - Geología y Metalogenia Andes Centrales"
SGA Seminar on Northern Fennoscandian Ore Deposits and 3/4D Modelling
SEG Field Exploration Geology Vol. VI
"Mineral deposits and geology of the Oberpfalz"
MAC-SGA co-sponsored short course 46
"The Geology and Geochemistry of Uranium and Thorium deposits"
SGA Student Chapter field trip to Iberian Pyrite Belt
XXXIII UNESCO-SEG-SGA Curso Latinoamericano de Metalogenia
"Hydrothermal systems: a voyage from the source to the ore"
4th SGA-SEG-UNESCO-IUGS Short Course on African Metallogeny
"Mineral Ressources-Based Sustainable Development in Africa"
13th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology
"Rare Earth Elements Deposits"
XXXII UNESCO-SEG-SGA Latin American Metallogeny Course
3rd SGA - SEG - UNESCO - IUGS Short Course on African Metallogeny
"Mining in Africa"
8th annual workshop on "Ore Deposits Models and Exploration"
12th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology
"Granite-related Mineral Systems"
SGA workshop on mineral deposits related to acid magmatism
SGA short course "Gold deposits: From Theorie to Exploration Practice"
7th annual workshop on "Ore Deposits Models and Exploration"
11th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology
"Automated Mineralogy & Petrography for Geometallurgy"