SGA-Young Scientist Award

The SGA-Young Scientist Award is offered biennially to a young scientist who contributed significantly to the understanding of mineral deposits. The award which consists of a citation, price money of EUR 1500, and reasonable travel and accommodation costs to attend the Biennial meeting for the presentation, is not restricted to the candidate's nationality, place of employment, or membership in the Society. The award is based mostly upon senior-authored papers published early in the candidate‘s career. To be eligible for this award, the awardee must be less than 40 years on 01 January in the year of the nomination and the respective upcoming SGA biennial meeting (i.e. born on or after 01 January). Nomination forms can be downloaded below. Nominations should include a biographical summary of the candidate, a list of publications upon which the award is based, a statement explaining the significance of the research, other scientific contributions and accomplishments and the name and contact details of the nominator. In addition, copies of abstracts for most important (maximum five) papers upon which the nomination is based should be attached to the application.

Click here for a Nomination Form >>doc; >>pdf

Previous awardees

2023Clifford Patten
2022Matthew Steele-MacInnis
2019Crystal LaFlamme
2017Sarah Dare
2015Huayong Chen
2013David Dolejš
2011Kalin Kouzmanov
2009David Holwell
2007Gilles Levresse
2005Alexandre Raphael Cabral
2003Noreen Vielreicher

How to Nominate

A brief biographical summary in the style of American Men and Women of Science or other similar biographical listing should be submitted by the person making the nomination to the SGA Executive Secretary by March 31 of the year of the next upcoming SGA biennial meeting. The following information should be included:

1.    Name of nominee.
2.    Date of birth.
3.    Education (degrees, institutions, dates) and previous awards.
4.    Past and present professional affiliations.
5.    Reference citation(s) to publication(s) for which the award is to be made, and to other published works. Indicate critical paper(s) and provide a copy of the most outstanding contribution(s), if possible. An individual's contribution in co-authored papers is difficult to evaluate; such papers should be avoided unless the nominee is a senior author whose contributions can be clearly identified.
6.    Brief statement explaining the significance of the research, including its pertinence to economic geology, its demonstrated effects, the originality and creativity shown in the research, the clarity of presentation, and its impact on scientific theory or technology.
7.    Additional pertinent or related scientific contributions such as other accomplishments, advisory or consultant activities, and recognition of research stature elsewhere by others.
8.    Names of individual making the nomination.

Supporting letters are helpful and may be attached to the letter of nomination or sent separately to the Chair of the SGA Young Scientist Award Committee.

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SGA Executive Secretary

Dr. Jan Pašava
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3
118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Tel. ++420-251085506, Fax ++420-251818748
Email: secretary(at)e-sga.orgjan.pasava(at)
with a copy to Chair Award Committee
Dr. Iain Pitcairn
Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
Svante Arrhenius väg 8
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel. ++46 (0)704627971
Email: iain.pitcairn(at)