SGA-Newmont Gold Medal

The SGA-Newmont Gold Medal recognises the career of the awardee involving unusually original work in the mineral deposit sector, which shall be broadly interpreted to encompass major contributions to (1) the science through research and (2) the development of mineral resources through mine geology, exploration and discovery. The award consists of a citation, a 999.99 fine gold medal, and reasonable travel and accommodation costs for attendance of the SGA Biennial Meeting. 

The SGA-Newmont Gold Medal is based upon career accomplishments. It must be stressed that published scientific research is only one measure; other measures include leadership, both in research and in industry; success in exploration or mining geology; and service to SGA and like organisations. The award covers all aspects of research applied to mineral deposits, from field geology and mineral exploration, through development of analytical techniques, ore system models and metallogeny, and to the management of research and exploration projects and institutions. Eligibility is not restricted by the candidate’s nationality, place of employment, or membership in the Society. Nomination forms can be downloaded below. Nominations must include the name and address of the candidate as well as a summary of the candidates education, significant accomplishments and publications, and the name and address of the nominator.

Click here to download the nomination form: >>doc; >>pdf

Previous awardees

2023Lluís Fontboté
2022Richard J. Goldfarb
2019Richard H. Sillitoe
2017David Leach
2015Steve D. Scott
2013Michel Cuney
2011David I. Groves
2009Shunso Ishihara
2007Zdenek Johan


How to Nominate

To ensure consideration by the SGA Council,  use the "SGA-Newmount Gold Medal Nomination Form" (Deadline: March 31 of the year of the next upcoming SGA biennial meeting). Include the following:

  1. Name of candidate. 
  2. Address of candidate. 
  3. A brief summary of the candidate's education (academic record) 
  4. Previous significant awards.
  5. A brief summary of significant accomplishments/publications honours that show the candidate's preeminence in the field of economic geology and/or mineral deposit research (for accomplishments, give specific examples; for publications list no more than 5 titles). Publication lists are considered to be only one measure of contributions to economic geology; many industry-associated individuals are not in a position to publish because of the proprietary nature of their work.
  6. Name of person making nomination.
  7. Address of person making nomination.
  8. Names of three supporters that will be writing letters of support. 

Candidates representing each of the three components of SGA membership-- industry, government, and academia-- are solicited.

Members of the Society are urged to participate in this important process by nominating outstanding candidates for this prestigious honor. A nomination MUST BE SUPPORTED by signed letters from three SGA Members. Supporting letters may be attached to the nomination form or sent separately to the SGA Executive Secretary. The deadline for receipt of the nominations by the Committee is March 31 of the year of the next upcoming SGA biennial meeting. Nominations and supporting letters should be sent to the SGA Executive Secretary.

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SGA Executive Secretary

Dr. Jan Pašava
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3
118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Tel. ++420-251085506, Fax ++420-251818748
Email: secretary(at)e-sga.orgjan.pasava(at)
with a copy to Chair Award Committee
Dr. Iain Pitcairn
Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
Svante Arrhenius väg 8
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel. ++46 (0)704627971
Email: iain.pitcairn(at)